

Little Allan's Big Polka - Kodakami

一首循环了三年的v家超冷门良曲。big Al大叔的嗓音好磁性啊啊啊啊!!!(虽然是调出来的,不过真的很接近人声了

(悄悄地说一句我对big Al大叔有个爱称叫做大铝)




_Verse 1_  _主歌1_
Tony was a big kid by anyone's call. 托尼是是个公认的大块头
Some say six-foot-eight in all. 有人说他身高总共6.8英尺(约2.07m)
No one remembers the finer points, 没有人记得具体细节
but they all tell the story of one great fight. 但他们都爱将那场大战的故事讲述
Tony was smooth, but he liked things rough. 托尼是个温和的人,但他却做事简单粗暴
No one could say they they were man enough 没人能说自己足够勇猛
to take on the giant who ruled that town. 去和这个统领城镇的大块头较量一场
If you dared cross him, you'd go down. 如果你胆敢跨过他的地盘一步,你将会惨败而归
Tony, what do you think you'll 托尼,你觉得当你的时间结束时
get when your time runs out? 你将会迎来什么?
There's always a son of a gun 总会有那么个混//账
who's that much bigger still. 比你更有力量
Tony, what do you think you'll 托尼,你觉得当你最终被打败时
do when you're finally bested? 你该怎么办?
All's fine when you're at the top, 你站在顶端的时候,一切都会如你所愿
but you gotta watch your back. 但你最好小心你的背后!
_Verse 2_  _主歌2_
Allan was a little kid by anyone's call. 阿伦是个公认的小不点
Some say not even four feet tall. 有人说他连4英尺(约1.22m)都没有
No one could say they were worse off yet 没人能说自己的身高比这个孩子还糟糕
than this kid, wherever Tony went. 而这个小不点,却跑去找托尼
Butt of the jokes, and a punching bag. 对于托尼,他是一个嘲笑的对象,一个出气筒
Little Allan took all that Tony had. 小阿伦正是托尼想欺凌的那种人
No one could've hoped for a even fight, 大家都觉得两人之间根本不可能有一战
and it sure wasn't even on that night. 更没有想到会是在那个晚上
Sweet kid, always a smile in his 可爱的孩子,他打招呼的时候
eyes when he said "Hello". 眼角总是带着柔和的笑容
Each day, a laugh and a wave 每一天,他对每个男孩和女孩
for every boy and girl. 微笑和招手
Poor kid, never a reason to hate him, 可怜的孩子,别人从来没有理由憎恨他
but Tony did. 但托尼却如此
How could he? We can only assume, 他为何如此?我们只能做个假设
but I don't think Tony knew. 我想托尼也不知道原因
_Bridge 1_ _桥段1_
No, I don't think Tony knew, 不,我想托尼也不知道原因
but he said these words, it's true: 可他确实这样说了:
Hey! 嘿!
_Verse 3_ _主歌3_
"Little Allan, three feet high,“三英尺高的小阿伦,
you better run 'cause you sure can't fight. 你倒是逃啊,你难道能和我打吗?
I don't like your nice guy act. 我可不喜欢你一副好人的模样
If you wanna live, you'll cut that crap. 想活着回去就别瞎//逼//逼
These people don't really love you, son, 这里的人根本不是真的喜欢你,小/兔//崽/子
they're gonna laugh when you try and run. 在你尝试并狼狈逃跑的时候,他们只会放声大笑
You and me're gonna have a brawl, 我们会好好“"谈一谈”
and I'll cut you down to no-foot-tall. 然后我会把你的身高削成负的
Come on, what do you say you 你倒是来啊,你这个愚蠢无用的小矮子
tiny pathetic boy? 你还能说些什么?
I'll grind you right into the ground, 我要把你击倒在地
'til you give up or die. 直到你向我求饶,或者被我打死
(oh) 哦
I want to see you in pain. 我真想看看你痛苦的样子
Your smile irritates me so. 你那该死的笑惹恼我了
I'll wipe it right off of your face, 我要从此将它从你脸上抹去
so you'll never laugh again." 让你再也笑不出来!”
_Verse 4_ _主歌4_
"I don't know why you hate me, sir. “我不知道你为什么如此讨厌我,先生。
I've done you no harm, I'm sure. 我保证,我没有伤害过你
Let's have a chat, I'll appologize 我们谈一谈吧,我会为了
for anything I've done wrong in life. 我做过的所有错事而道歉的
Tony, what have I done to even deserve your rage. 托尼,我究竟做了什么值得你生气的事
I'll fight you, but you're gonna win, 我想我会和你打一架,不过你会赢的
And I hope that this will do." 我想这样应该可以吧。“
_Bridge 2_ _桥段2_
"Oh, I hope that this will do. “哦,我想这样应该可以吧。
Will it be enough for you?" 这样对你来说就足够了吧?”
Hey! 嘿!
_Verse 5_ _主歌5_

_Verse 6_  _主歌6_
Tony was a big kid by anyone's call, 托尼是是个公认的大块头
but the bigger they are, the harder they fall. 可个头越大的人,跌倒时就伤得越惨
Poor Little Allan, he could never win—— 可怜的小阿伦,他永远也赢不了托尼——
that is, up until his friends joined in. 事实如此,直到他的朋友们加入了战斗
I didn't see it, but I have been told 我不曾看见现场,但传言这样说
they knocked big Tony to the pavement cold. 他们将大块头托尼狠狠地砸向地面
Yeah, size doesn't matter in the long run, bud'. 没错,你的体型在长跑中并没有什么作用,伙计
When 47 people want to spill your blood. 尤其是当47个人都想让你血溅墙头的时候
Jumping in from the sidelines, 他们跳进边界线
ready to bring him down.  一个个气势汹汹准备将他撂倒
That whole town was there at the fight 整个城镇的人都加入了这场大战中
and they all were there to win. 他们都将胜利
Allan, open your eyes 阿伦,睁开你的眼睛
and see what your friendship did. 看看你的友谊为你做了什么
Allan, get up from the ground, 阿伦,快站起来
your final fight is won. 你的最终之战胜利了
_Verse 7_  _主歌7_
Allan was a big guy by everyone's call. 阿伦是个公认的大个子
Some say 6 foot 9 in all. 有人说他身高总共6.9英尺(约2.10m)
No one remembers the finer points, 没有人记得具体细节
but they all tell the story of his great height. 但他们都爱将他传奇般身高背后的故事讲述
Years come, and years go by. 时过境迁
His story will not grow old. 他的佳话永不消逝
They sing of his laugh and his wave 人们歌颂他的笑容与招呼
and they all call him Big Al. 他们都叫他阿尔大哥
_Bridge 3_ _桥段3_
Oh, they all call him Big Al 哦,他们都叫他阿尔大哥
'cause he was their biggest pal. 因为他是他们最好的哥们
Hey! 嘿!


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